Home Wallet Tezos Paper Wallet: Store XTZ Coins In Paper Wallets

Tezos Paper Wallet: Store XTZ Coins In Paper Wallets

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by cryptocreed

Are you a Tezos investor? or Holder? Then you may know about paper wallets and their benefits. Tezos paper wallet helps you to store your XTZ coins offline.

Tezos was unofficially formed in early 2014 but because of unfamiliar issues mainnet launched in 2017. Problems do come in the path of projects.

It is an open-source platform that solves the problems which Bitcoin and Ethereum don’t, it addresses key barriers facing blockchain adoption for assets and applications backed by a global validator, researchers, and builders.

In this article, we are going to check out the available Tezos paper wallet that can be used for storing XTZ coins.

Best Tezos Paper Wallet

As of now while writing there is only one XTZ paper wallet is available. I tried to find more but it seems there are not many paper wallets available on the Internet. if you know of any other paper wallets for XTZ coin then let us know through the comment box.

Resilience’s Paper Wallet

Resilience is a user on GitHub and he developed & published this paper wallet in 2020. As claimed by the owner, it is a fork of TezTech/eztz and eoscafe/eos-paper-wallet (on GitHub).

To create XTZ addresses using this wallet visit their online version or download code and run it offline. You can generate XTZ addresses offline as well.

Then click on Generate button, you can generate as many as addresses you want. You can see your addresses are generated, the public key and private key in text and QR code.

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To print to save that in pdf click on the Print button and choose what you want, print, or save.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/resilience-me/Tezos-paper-wallet

Online Version: https://resilience-me.github.io/Tezos-paper-wallet/

How To Access Tezos Wallet

In order to send and receive Tezos, you need to access your wallet. One of the safest wallets to use is Kukai. You can import your paper wallet using Kukai’s web wallet but make sure your browser and PC are virus-free.

To check XTZ balance you can use Tezos official explorer.

Kukai Web Wallet: https://wallet.kukai.app/import

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