Home Wallet Best eCash Paper Wallet To Generate XEC Wallet Offline

Best eCash Paper Wallet To Generate XEC Wallet Offline

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on December 19, 2021 by cryptocreed

Looking for the eCash paper wallet? Then you are at the right place.

In this article, you will find out the list of available paper wallets that can generate XEC wallets and addresses online and offline.

Paper wallets are one of the safest ways to create a wallet and to store any cryptocurrency you want. As it allows you to have full access to your wallet.

If you are using online custodian wallets then you are giving your money or coins to a third person who holds your coin for you.

That is fine at some level, like for daily trade but for holders, paper wallets and hardware wallets are highly recommended methods of storing coins.

Best eCash Paper Wallet

Following are the only available paper wallets that are open source and can find codes easily. If you know of any more open-source wallets then let us know so we can update the list.

Quintera’s Paper Wallet

Quintera or Ethanmackie (username) has developed a paper wallet for the eCash community. It is a fork of BitAdddress paper wallet, a paper wallet generator for Bitcoin. Most of the paper wallets do use this code.

If you have used Bitcoin.com’s paper wallet then you know how to generate paper wallets using this one. It has a similar design to the Bitcoin paper wallet has.

As there is no online version is available you have to download the code and run it locally. Creating a wallet has the same process as other wallets do have, moving the cursor on the screen till it generates private and public keys of your wallet.

You can save the paper wallet on your device or can print out the paper wallet.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/ethanmackie/eCashPaperWallet

How To Check Wallet Balance

To check your XEC balance you can simply visit their official explorer here and paste your XEC address, do not paste your Private Key.

Note: Never share your Private Key With anyone.

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