Last Updated on April 2, 2024 by cryptocreed
This is the quick Bitcoin Safety guide on how to keep your bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies safe from hackers and spammers. You may find some lines which you may already know but you regret to follow, here most people do this mistake.
You may know there are different types of Bitcoin wallets like Hardware wallets, Paper wallets, Desktop wallets, Mobile wallets, and Online wallets.
- Use hardware wallets only, the hardware wallets are the safest wallets in the world. You can buy one from here. Buy ones and feel free forever.
- keep passphrase and private keys safe, whenever you create a new wallet you will get a passphrase and private key you just have to keep them safe, this is the only source to access your wallets.
- Never surf unknown sites, most newbies open all sites without knowing what actually they are going to view. mostly they click on fake “free earning method” links. If you think you need to access that site and you are not sure if that site has something wrong or not then use this tool called virustotal. Virustotal will scan the website and let you know if the site has a virus or not.
- A separate device, it would be great if you have one separate device for wallets, so by mistake if you install any virus then still your wallets are safe. And never visit any other sites except wallets.
- Install Metamask, if you are using Google Chrome and Mozilla then install Metamask extension. Metamask scans sites and tells you if the site is the phishing site or not.
- Bookmark sites, you may need to visit your wallet again, and again, in such cases, you should bookmark your wallet site. Even after the bookmark, you need to check the URL again and again for security. Always double check URL from official sources
- Do not share, sometimes newbies are asked by site owners to share their private key and they may share it with them. It may affect them in the current time or in the future. Private keys and passphrase are the only keys to access your wallets when you share your private key at that time you shared your money too.
- More email ID, create more email ID’s I suggest having at least 3 email IDs. You have to sign up on many sites now or in the future. And make sure to use those email IDs carefully.
- Different passwords, what most users are doing is they are using the same password on many sites, sometimes they know this is not safe. Or create a notepad in which write your passwords and make don’t write the correct password just change some words from the notepad.
- Do not use emails, never transfer private keys or passphrase through email to email or through an app.
- Do not click unknown, you receive email or message which may include some links if those emails are from unknown sources then do not click on any links.
- Scam profile, sometimes scammer use fake profile of any admin and they use to contact you from the fake profile they may ask you to download the file or anything and may ask you to click on links. So always double-check profiles. There are many fake profiles on telegram and LinkedIn.
This is the Bitcoin Safety guide, which every user must follow to keep their funds. Do not forget to share this article if you found this article helpful.