Home Beginner’s Guide List Of 4 Best Litecoin Explorers To Track Activity On Litecoin In 2024

List Of 4 Best Litecoin Explorers To Track Activity On Litecoin In 2024

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on April 1, 2024 by cryptocreed

Litecoin Explorers are used to track transactions, wallet address details, balance, block details, and much more you can find on Explorers. But not all Litecoin explorers are going to provide you with all these details hence we picked the best Litecoin explorers that provide more & best features to users.

Most people use this explorer to just check transaction status and transactions but there are many who makes details analysis on blockchain. In this list of best Litecoin explorers, you will find explorers with their features and why you should use them.

For newbies, Blockchain explorers are also known as Search Engines for blockchain analytics. Let’s check them out now.

List Of Best Litecoin Explorers

We picked this explorer on the basis of the features that they provide so if you are one who wants more details like block and transactions then you might be picky and we are as well so this list as well.


Blockchain is a multi-chain blockchain explorer and analytics engine for all major coins like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Dot, Doge, Zcash, Dash, Cardano, etc, over 17 blockchains are supported.

You can search Address, Block, Transaction, ENS,  and Embedded text data.

As said it is like a search engine hence if you type anything in the search bar then it will bring results from the blockchain and will show you on screen. Suppose you search for Litecoin then it will show the list that includes name Litecoin like coins, tokens, transactions, and blocks.

Their aim is to become Google for blockchain & web3 by using technology like IPFS & SWARM it will provide data from all decentralized platforms.


  • REST API:- They offer APIs to anyone whether you are an individual, company, analyst, academic, or student. With one API you can get access to over 17 blockchains.
  • Datasets:- If you are an analyst then you can simply insert TSV-Files in your DB server to use for analysis.
  • Charts:- The visualization charts available almost 29 different charts you can view for price, circulation, block size, inflation, inflation, etc.
  • ENS lookup:- You can dig into Ethereum Name Service domain names & their related information.
  • Transaction Receipt:- If you are a service provider or taker and dealing with receipts then this will help you a lot as you can download transaction receipts with one single click.
  • Chrome Extension:- Their extension is currently used by more than 8K users and has a rating of 4 out of 5.

Website:- https://blockchair.com/litecoin

For Whom: Anyone who wants to do deep research on

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