Home Press Release 5 Best Blackjack Strategies You Need to Know Today

5 Best Blackjack Strategies You Need to Know Today

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on October 19, 2022 by cryptocreed

Blackjack made its way into casinos in the twentieth century. Since then, the card game has grown popular across the world and populations. No wonder you can now play blackjack in virtual, live, and crypto casinos. It’s easy to deposit with crypto and play blackjack online.

The rules of blackjack are pretty simple. You have to try to score more than the dealer without going bust.

A few blackjack strategies may help you improve your chances of winning. Let’s explore the top 5 ones you should know.

Try Card Counting

Card counting is a proven strategy to win any card game. However, you don’t need to count specific cards while playing blackjack.

All you need to do is assign a negative or positive value to cards. You may also assign the value zero.

Now, you can adjust the value of the deck while the dealer lays out the cards. High cards lower the value of the deck, while low cards increase it.

So, high cards are beneficial for the dealer, while gamblers leverage low cards.

Use Shuffle Tracking

Shuffle tracking is another useful blackjack strategy. You can use it to predict the hands you will get during the game. It requires great observation skills, vision, and mental approximation.

The strategy involves tracking groups of cards during the shuffle and the game. You can then guess when the groups of cards will come into play.

It is similar to card counting but does not require assigning values.

Know When to Surrender

Surrendering can be the best blackjack strategy to minimize your losses. It can help you get back half of what you had wagered.

However, you need to understand when to surrender or increase your bets. Let’s say you get a hard hand that totals 16 or 17.

On the other hand, the dealer has an ace, ten, or nine. The best way ahead would be to fold your hands and get a part of your bets back.

Split Your Aces and Eights Pairs

Many people wonder what to do when they get a pair of aces or eights. Their dilemma grows stronger if the dealer ends up showing an ace, nine, or ten.

What should you do in these situations?

The right strategy would be to split your pairs of aces and eights, irrespective of what the dealer shows. Why?

You will get two hands and can prevent going bust because you have a hard 16 or 22/2.

However, starting with a single ace or eight improves your likelihood of winning.

Stay Away from Insurance Bets

Let’s say your hands make up 19 or 20 while the dealer shows an Ace. You shouldn’t go for an insurance bet in such cases as it will make you lose money in the long run.

The rate of payback of insurance bets is always lower than the odds of the dealer getting a blackjack.

Final Thoughts

You can improve your winning chances in blackjack by using your observation, skills, and experience. Additionally, use our blackjack strategies to win more bets from your table.

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