USDC is losing its market cap and USDT is one of the most stable & trusted stablecoins in the market. Most people are moving their USDC to USDT or BUSD but it is not that easy to convert USDC ERC20 to TRC20.
You may easily exchange your USDC ERC20 to USDT TRC20 through Centralized exchange but who wants to pay taxes? That’s why we are using the decentralized exchange.
In this article, I am going to guide you on how you can convert your USDC ERC20 to USDT TRC20 using a decentralized exchange.
We are not going to suggest using websites like ChangeNow because it charges lots of fees. If you convert $5000 on them then you have to pay fees worth $40 to $50.
You need to have two crypto wallets one in which you have ERC20 and another wallet that supports TRC20. You can use any wallet from Tron’s official website.
Another thing you need to have is a swap and bridge website.
Note: While writing this article there are very less or nil numbers of bridges that support ERC20 to TRC20.
How To Convert USDC ERC20 To USDT TRC20
This is a step by step guide so do not miss any steps. Here I am assuming you have $1000 USDC and using Metamask wallet for ERC20 and any Tron wallet for TRC20.
First Step: Swap USDC To USDT
At first, you need to convert your USDC (the one which is in ERC20) to USDT (definitely by swapping you will get ERC20). You can use uniswap to swap your USDC to USDT.
I am sure that you know how to use Uniswap to swap USDC to USDT. There is no fee for swapping but there is a network fee that you have to bear which will cost around $2 to $4 (maybe less or more).
Suppose you are swapping $1000 USDC (ERC20) then you will get $996 USDT (ERC20).
Second Step: Add OKX Network To Metamask
It is important to add the OKX network to your Metamask wallet in order to see transactions & balances.
Here is how to add OKX Network to Metamask.
Open Metamask > Go to Custom RPC > Enter the Following Details
- Network Name: OKExChain
- Mainnet RPC URL:
- ChainID: 66
- Symbol: OKT
- Explorer:
Third Step: Use Bridge To Convert USDT (ERC20) to USDT (TRC20)
These steps look easy but it is not.
Okex or OKX bridge supports both TRC20 & ERC20 but it doesn’t allow to have direct transactions. Instead, it asks users to convert their ERC20 to OKC and then TRC20. It means in order to convert ERC20 to TRC20 you need to go through OKC.
Let’s see how to go through all these steps.
Convert ERC20 to OKC
- Go to
- Connect your wallet
- Choose USDT as a token (remember you have $996 after the first step)
- Choose “Ethereum” in From & “OKC” in To.
- Enter the amount & Proceed
There is no fee for converting ERC20 to OKC. It means now you have $996 in OKC.
Convert OKC to TRC20
- Go to
- Connect your wallet
- Choose USDT as a token
- Choose “OKC” in From & “Tron” in To.
- Enter your Tron wallet address
- Enter the amount & proceed.
You have to pay a fee that will cost you a fixed amount of $0.80.
You will get your converted TRC20 in your wallet within 15 to 30 minutes.
How Much I Got After Converting ERC20 to TRC20 Using OKX Bridge?
Suppose you are converting $1000 ERC20 to TRC20 then you have to pay a fee of around $5. All these fees are charged by the network and not by platforms.
The whole process converts erc20 to trc20 will take up to 30 minutes.
Frequently Asked Questions
I can swap usdt erc20 to trc20 trust wallet or not?
As of now, trust wallet doesn’t allow users to convert their ERC20 USDC to TRC20 USDT.
How to convert usdt trc20 to usdt erc20 on binance?
In Binance all your USDTs are held in different chains at the time of withdrawal you can use any network to withdraw.
I am facing a problem how to get my problem solved?
You can contact us using the Contact page. We will try to get your issue related to convert usdc to usdt solved.