What is Ethereum?
At its simplest, Ethereum is an open software platform based on blockchain technology that enables developers to build and deploy decentralized applications.
Ethereum is the second most famous and second-largest cryptocurrency in the crypto world. Ethereum has a market cap of total Ƀ5.06 M. At the time of writing the price of the Ethereum is Ƀ 0.05522 (105.98$)
Before visiting any ETH faucet you must have an ETH address to claim you can get your ETH address from this “myetherwallet” wallet.
Best Ethereum Faucet
There are limited numbers of eth faucets where you can get ethereum for free.
FireFaucet 1500 to 7000 satoshi. You can withdraw to your FaucetPay and Direct Bitcoin.
AutoFaucet 500 to 3000 satoshi every day. FaucetPay and ExpressCrypto are supported.
FaucetCrypto 500 to 1500 satoshi every day. You can withdraw your Ethereum using FaucetPay, ExpressCrypto, and many Altcoins.
Free-Ethereum.com up to 3$ in ETH every hour.
Ethereum Testnet
There are two active Ethreum TestNet Faucets are https://faucet.ropsten.be and https://faucet.metamask.io. On these sites, you will get ether from this free faucet ethereum but this is not real money.
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