Home Airdrops Xswap Airdrop Tutorial: How To Join Xswap Airdrop

Xswap Airdrop Tutorial: How To Join Xswap Airdrop

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on April 6, 2024 by cryptocreed

In a world where every next platform drops free coins to their users, a new and highly trusted platform called XSwap is planned to airdrop coins to their users.

In a rapidly evolving decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape, seamless interoperability between diverse blockchain networks has emerged as a critical need. XSwap takes center stage, promising fluid cross-chain liquidity movements.

XSwap’s integration with Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol introduces a new age in DeFi, where boundaries between blockchains become more permeable, and users enjoy unparalleled ease in liquidity transfers. As the first project to embark on this journey with Chainlink, XSwap does not simply follow trends, it sets them.

There are many reasons to join XSwap airdrop lets have a look at some of them

  • It is the first Dex Swap platform on BASE Chain
  • Backed by ChainLink
  • Supported by BASE Chain
  • Member of Chainlink BUILD program
  • It will increase your chance of getting BASE airdrop
  • and more

Also, Check Out: SynFutures Airdrop Campaign

Important Points Need To Know Before Joining Airdrop

  • To participate in airdrop you need to hold at least $100 (you can start with a minimum of $10).
  • You may lose $10 to $20 in transaction fees (overall)
  • You need to have a Twitter & Telegram account
  • Daily perform swaps

How To Join XSwap Airdrop

  • Visit Xswap and connect your wallet.
  • Go to the Points page
  • Complete quests Like follow their Twitter and join the Telegram group
  • Go to the SWAP page
  • Swap different coins but almost choose the BASE chain network.

They do count points based on the number of Swaps performed and swap volumes. If you have fewer funds then try to make more and more swaps. If you have no issue with funds then perform both more trades and volumes.

In my opinion, two pairs are the best and most cost-effective.

  • Base (ethereum coin) to Polygon (Matic coin)
  • Base (ethereum coin) to Arbitrum (ETH coin)

Ranking Calculation

Here is how points are calculated and you can rank better in the list. Accumulate as many as points you can. The ranking on the XSwap Leaderboard is determined by a specific formula that takes into account the following key factors:

  1. Volume of Swaps: The total dollar amount of all swaps conducted by the user.
  2. Number of Swaps: The total number of swap operations performed by the user.
  3. Transaction Count Bonus: Additional points are awarded based on the number of transactions made by the user.
  4. Referral Bonus: A percentage of the volume of transactions from direct referrals.

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