Home AltCoin What Is Dogethereum? An Unofficial Dogecoin Fork To DOGX

What Is Dogethereum? An Unofficial Dogecoin Fork To DOGX

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on May 26, 2021 by cryptocreed

Dogecoin recently become very popular and people investing more and more in Cryptocurrency including Dogecoin. Dogecoin has never seen any popular fork in recent time but now that is over.

Here is an unofficial fork of Dogecoin. I am saying Unofficial Fork because the team behind the fork is anonymous and there not much to say about them.

As anyone can fork the coin without any issue there are many and more people forking coins but they all are not successful. Because they fork the coin without any vision and idea, they do this just to earn money online.

As per their announcement, Dogethereum is a new decentralized currency, it is based on the Ethereum algorithm with the fastest speed of transactions and smart contracts.

Also, their vision behind this coin is to push the Doge crypto coin in a brand new direction, speed, and simplicity.

The owner of Doge coins will get 10 000:1 coins it means if you have 1 Doge then you will get 10,000 DOGX after the fork takes place. Nothing is mentioned in detail but this is the basic information that you should check out.

The BitcoinTalk thread says, “Project is community-driven, thus there are no any ICOs, premises, or other manipulations. The only reward for developers is 0.3 coins per mined block. DOGX is being developed by a professional team of engineers and talented economists who are passionate about cryptocurrencies, so there are no extra commissions, fees, or predefined stakes.

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Project starts free for all, easy for initial GPU mining, and making good profits. The price of DOGX tokens may become even higher when the full power of smart contracts will be unleashed.
If you’ve been waiting for a right coin that gives equal possibilities and will go to the Moon, pin this thread and await further announcement!”

Also, there will be no pre-mine or ICO it is just a new coin that you can mine. The block time is 13 seconds and the block reward is 3 DOGX coin.

They say that the coin will be get listed on major exchanges soon then users can trade the coin.

Click here to visit the BitcoinTalk page.

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