Home Cryptocurrency CoinMarketCap Learn & Earn Quiz Answers: BNB Boost Answers

CoinMarketCap Learn & Earn Quiz Answers: BNB Boost Answers

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on December 5, 2022 by cryptocreed

CoinMarketCap is the biggest source of cryptocurrency data it provides price & exchange data as days pass they are improving themselves by adding new features on their website.

In recent times they started CoinMarketCap Learn & Earn campaign through which users can earn free cryptocurrencies by completing a small quiz, answering the quiz, and earning free coins.

There are many quizzes that are getting added on CoinMarketCap (CMC) by different projects that allow you to earn $4 to $20 or more in crypto for free.

Recently Binance has launched a new quiz on Coinmarketcap through which you can earn free $10 in crypto.

Coinmarketcap BNB Boost Quiz Answers: Coinmarketcap in association with one of the biggest crypto exchanges Binance has recently launched a new quiz for its users.

Join Coinmarketcap here using our link.

CoinMarketCap BNB Boost Answers

pStake Finance Quiz Answers

Q1. After every epoch does the value of stkBNB decrease or increase against BNB?

Answer: Increases

Q2. Users unstaking BNB from pSTAKE will have to wait for how many days?

Answer: 15 Days

Q3. Which application provides the leverage yield farms for stkBNB?

Answer: Alpaca Finance

Q4. What is the protocol fee charged by pSTAKE for the first 90 days?

Answer: 0%

Q5. Which on-chain security analysis does pSTAKE use for stkBNB?

Answer: Forta

Q6. Find the “unique code” in the pStake Finance’s video and submit the “unique code” here.

Answer: 012020

Ankr Quiz Answers

Q1. How does liquid staking differ from staking?

Answer: Liquid staking solves the capital inefficiencies of staking, because it unlocks the capital staked to be used in other protocols.

Q2. What are the advantages of liquid staking tokens?

Answer: All of the above

Q3. Which networks does Ankr support for liquid staking?

Answer: Ethereum, Polkadot, Fantom, BNB, Avalanche, Polygon, Kusama

Q4. Find the “Unique Code” in Ankr’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here

Answer: 080862


Stader Quiz Answers

Q1. How many chains is Stader live on?

Answer: 6

Q2. Which of the following security measures are followed by Stader’s solution?

Answer: All of the above

Q3. How does BNBx increase in value?

Answer: The exchange rate of BNBx with respect to BNB increases over time as staking rewards accumulate

Q4. Which of the following are advantages of BNBx?

Answer: All of the above

Q5. How much time does it usually take to stake BNB with Stader?

Answer: < 1 minute

Q6. Please find the “Unique Code” in Stader’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here!

Answer: 050822

Wombat Exchange Quiz Answers

Q1. What is the vision of Wombat Exchange?

Answer: Stableswap 2.0

Q2. What are the competitive advantages of Wombat Exchange?

Answer: All of the above

Q3. What traditional finance concept does Wombat use to manage its liquidity?

Answer: Coverage Ratio

Q4. What tokens are included in Wombat’s liquid staking pool?

Answer: BNB, BNBx and stkBNB

Q5. Please find the “Unique Code” in Wombat Exchange’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here!

Answer: 300822

Helio Quiz Answers

Q1.  What is the Helio protocol?

Answer: A decentralized and over-collateralized destablecoin solution capitalizing on the potential of liquid staking & yield-bearing assets.

Q2. What is the Loan-To-Value ratio for borrowing $HAY?

Answer: 66%

Q3. What is a destablecoin?

Answer: A decentralized digital asset backed by decentralized cryptocurrency as collateral and while non-volatile, can be subject to minor fluctuations

Q4. How can I obtain the $HAY destablecoin?

Answer: Providing $BNB in collateral, and borrowing/mint $HAY against it.

Q5. How does Helio protocol ensure that $HAY yields are sustainable?

Answer: All of the above

Q6. Please find the “Unique Code” in Helio’s video and submit the “Unique Code” here!

Answer: 170822

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