Home Wallet Best Ark Paper Wallets: Create ARK Wallet Using Paper Wallets

Best Ark Paper Wallets: Create ARK Wallet Using Paper Wallets

by cryptocreed

Last Updated on December 22, 2021 by cryptocreed

Looking for the ARK Paper wallets to store ARK coins? Then you are definitely in the right place.

There is no better way to store your cryptocurrencies than with Paper Wallets. Paper wallets help you to take full control over your wallets and coins.

Most long-run holders do use paper wallets to store coins.

ARK was founded in mid-2016, it is a cryptocurrency & blockchain-based development platform that allows everyone to create their own customizable blockchain.

ARK coin is currently trading on all major crypto exchanges including Binance, Upbit, Bittrex, and others. At the time of writing price per ARK coin is $1.25.

Let’s check out the available ARK paper wallets.

Best ARK Paper Wallets

Till now I have published many articles on paper wallets for different coins but never found well-designed wallets as ARK has. Following are the paper wallets for ARK coins that you can use to create your paper wallets.


ArkEcosystem is officially supported by ARK team and maintained by Michel Kraaijeveld. This wallet was launched or developed in 2019.

As it is a open source you can wether download the code to run locally or you can access online version here. With this wallet you can fo following things

  • Create new wallet
  • Create new wallet using own unique passphrase
  • Sign and verify message
  • Can choose Mainnet, Devnet or custom network

To create wallet just click on “Create A New Wallet” and it will generate your wallet within a few seconds. You can download your wallet in the form of Image or PDF or can print it.

Github Link: https://github.com/ArkEcosystem/paper-wallet

Online Link: https://arkecosystem.github.io/paper-wallet

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Paperwallettop is altcoin paper wallet generator which supports more than 40 coins including ARK. You can also access this wallet online or  download the code and can run it offline.

You can download your wallet addresses in TXT format or in PDF.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/technologiespro/paper-wallet-generator

Online Link: https://technologiespro.github.io/paper-wallet-generator

How To Check ARK Balance

To check ark balance you just need to have your ARK coin address (public key) and an explorer. You can use official explorer here. Just enter your wallet address and click on enter.

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